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Upcoming Events

DECEMBER 2024:  Check back for details on SNEAPPA’s Spring Meeting hosted at the University of Vermont in Burlington, VT on March 11 & 12, 2025!

In the meantime, we wish you a peaceful and joyous holiday season that carries forward throughout the New Year!  See you in the Spring!

Title: SNEAPPA 2025 Spring Meeting
Location: University of Vermont (Burlington, VT)
Event Date:  March 11-12, 2025

Opening Soon!

Past Events

Website:   On behalf of the NNECERAPPA and SNEAPPA Board of Directors, we invite you to join [...]

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I’ve been involved in SNEAPPA since 1989, when I first got involved in Facilities Management. What I enjoy so much is the days I have a challenging problem, I have a plethora of business partners and colleagues at places across Southern New England that I can turn for assistance and they can turn to me as well.

Keith Woodward, Facilities Director, Quinnipiac University

I have been attending SNEAPPA meetings since 2003 and held a board position since 2008.  My involvement with SNEAPPA has always been very rewarding due to the strong friendships that have developed,as well as the vast amount professional knowledge that has been gained.  Then add the wonderful network of peer professionals who are always willing to help with any question and I can honestly say that I attribute much of my professional success to SNEAPPA.

John Cannon, Former Director of Facilities Operations, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA

The most important aspect of being involved with any professional organization is continuous learning while enhancing your professional network and making great friendships along the way. As a long-time business partner, the SNEAPPA organization has provided me the opportunity to get to know facilities professionals in the education industry and enrich my understanding of their challenges. The education sessions and tours always provide me with new and valuable information which I bring back to my company, Windover Construction. SNEAPPA continues to be great organization to be aligned with.

Tracey B. Hartford, Director of Client Services Windover Construction, Inc.