Southern New England Chapter of APPA
(As amended 06/18/24)
Section A – Eligibility of Membership
1. Representatives of facilities departments of educational institutions in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut meeting the requirements of Article III, Section A, of the Constitution are eligible for membership.
2. There shall be no limitation on the number of members from an institution. Representatives not eligible for membership will be welcomed as guests.
Section B – Classification of Membership
1. Member – A member is a representative of an institution that meets the requirements of Article III, Section A, of the Constitution.
2. Affiliate Member – An Affiliate Member is one who represents an institution that meets the requirements of Article III, Section A, of the Constitution, except that the institution is not a member of APPA. Further, affiliate members may be those employed by other non-profit institutions and organizations, including, governmental or agencies, engaged in work related to physical facilities administration and having an interest in the purpose and activities of SNEAPPA.
3. Honorary Member – Persons outside the Chapter or the Association or who are not in facilities Administration, who have rendered exceptional meritorious service to the Chapter of the Association may be elected to Honorary Membership upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and a majority vote of the members present and voting at any regular meeting. 4. Emeritus Member –Emeritus Member status may be granted by the Board of Directors to representatives who, upon retirement, or change of employment have had a minimum of five years of service in the Chapter and/or Association, or is a Charter Member of the Chapter.
5. Business Partner – Non-voting individuals, organizations, manufacturers or suppliers of goods and/or services operating for profit and ascribing to the policies and purposes of the Chapter and wish to support the activities of the Chapter. Designation to this category of membership shall not be construed as endorsement, actual or implied, by SNEAPPA.
Section C – Rights and Privileges
1. Member – Shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the Chapter; the right to cast the vote for the institution on all questions concerning the Chapter, to hold local office; and to receive copies of the minutes, reports and publications and to sponsor guests at meetings.
2. Affiliate Member – Shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the Chapter; the right to vote on all questions concerning the Chapter, to hold local office; and to receive copies of the minutes, reports and publications and to sponsor guests at meetings.
3. Honorary Member – shall be entitled only to the right to attend meetings, to engage in discussions and to receive copies of the minutes, reports and publications.
4. Emeritus Members – Shall be entitled to attend all meetings, at a reduced registration fee to be determined by the hosting institution, to engage in discussions, and to receive copies of the minutes, reports and publications.
5. Voting – One member shall cast all votes for each institution present. Where more than one member is present, they shall select one of their number to be spokesperson. On any question, those present shall caucus and decide their vote which the spokesperson shall cast.
The Officers shall be elected at the Annual Summer SNEAPPA Chapter meeting by receiving the greatest number of votes from the qualifying voters present. They shall serve to the conclusion of the next Summer SNEAPPA Chapter Meeting following their elected term, except where otherwise provided or until their successors have been elected and certified. The Officers shall have the following terms and duties:
Section A – The President
1. The President shall be elected in odd years at the Summer SNEAPPA Chapter Meeting. She/he will serve a two-year term, and can serve two consecutive terms in this position if elected. (Total 4 years)
2. The President: shall act as the executive officer of the Chapter and President of the Board of Directors; shall preside over all meetings of the Chapter and of the Board of Directors; shall be responsible for the general supervision and direction of the affairs of the Chapter; shall serve as Chapter representative to the ERAPPA Chapter Development Committee and keep Regional Association Officers (ERAPPA Board) informed of Chapter activities; shall, in the event of a vacancy among the officers, with the concurrence of a majority of the remaining officers, appoint a replacement; shall complete such other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.
3. If an event occurs between Board meetings that is not covered by the Constitution or Bylaws, the President shall have the authority to act and shall report to the Board in a timely manner. The Board shall determine whether to place the matter before the membership.
Section B – The Vice President
1. The Vice President shall be elected in even years at the Summer SNEAPPA Chapter Meeting. She/he will serve a two-year term, and can serve two consecutive terms in this position if elected. (Total 4 years)
2. The Vice President: shall assume the duties of the President when the President is absent or if the position becomes vacant; shall serve as the ex-officio chairperson of all standing committees and Vice President of the Board of Directors; shall lead the coordination of setting up locations and programming for the three meetings of the upcoming year; shall complete such other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.
Section C – The Secretary
1. The Secretary shall be elected in odd years at the Summer SNEAPPA Chapter Meeting. She/he will serve a two-year term, and can serve two consecutive terms in this position if elected. (Total 4 years)
2. The Secretary: shall be responsible for minutes of all SNEAPPA Board meetings and the Business Meeting portion of SNEAPPA Chapter meetings, including making all minutes available to the membership; shall handle all official correspondence; shall assist the Conference Planner in maintaining an up-to-date roster of member institutions; shall certify a quorum for all official business meetings; shall inform the membership of election issues as outlined in Article V of the Bylaws; shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President of the Board; shall serve on the Scholarship Award Committee.
Section D – The Treasurer
1. The Treasurer shall be elected in even years at the Summer SNEAPPA Chapter Meeting. She/he will serve a two-year term, and can serve three consecutive terms in this position if elected. (Total 6 years)
2. The Treasurer: shall be responsible for receiving, dispensing, and safe keeping all funds of the Chapter; shall assist the Conference Planner to make an accounting at each meeting of the membership and the Board; shall make recommendations as to the disposition of excess funds; shall procure and oversee an audit of the Chapter finances annually and file the Chapter tax documents; shall maintain up-to-date insurance; shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
Section E – The State Directors (CT, MA, RI) and At Large Directors
1. The three State Directors shall be elected in odd years and the three At Large Directors shall be elected in even years at the Summer SNEAPPA Chapter Meeting. They will each serve a two-year term, and can serve two consecutive terms in this position if elected. (Total 4 years)
2. The State Directors: shall each represent Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island and act as the chapter liaison to the membership from their state via telephone, email, and other direct communication
3. The State Directors and At Large Directors: shall assist the Chapter leadership with the governance of the Chapter through meetings and conference calls; shall maintain and solicit updates for membership; offer assistance in contacting educational institutions regarding future Chapter Meeting hosting opportunities; shall contribute to the success of the Chapter; shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President; State Directors shall serve on the Scholarship Award Committee. Section F – The Immediate Past President
1. The Past President shall serve a two-year term immediately following his or her term as President, or until the next President steps into the Past President role.
2. The Past President: shall be responsible for presiding over the Nominating Committee and conducting the elections for the SNEAPPA Board of Directors; shall oversee the implementation and modification, as necessary, of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Chapter; shall assume the duties of the President when both the President and Vice President are absent or unavailable.
Section G – Business Partner Director
1. The Business Partner Director shall be appointed by majority vote of the Board of Directors in even years for an initial term of two years. A second two-year term can be served if determined by majority vote of the Board.
a. The Business Partner must have been a member in good standing of SNEAPPA (or of another ERAPPA/APPA chapter) for a minimum of one year in order to be eligible. The Business Partner must also be a current ERAPPA member in good standing, as they shall serve as the Chapter Representative to the ERAPPA Business Partner Committee.
2. The Business Partner Director is a non-voting member of the Board, who acts in the capacity of a liaison to provide current information on behalf of the BP membership, and is responsible for communicating Board initiatives that impact ERAPPA BP Membership to the members-at-large.
3. The Business Partner Director: shall identify and promote effective means of communication and support between Business Partners and Chapter Institutional Members to build and enhance mutually beneficial relationships; shall continually evaluate, validate and promote the benefits of membership and the value that participation can bring to members of the business partner community; shall encourage and receive feedback from all Business Partners supporting the Chapter (at local events or through chapter email list serve); shall strive to offer creative thinking and innovative ideas that support the purpose and values of the Chapter.”
Section H – Director for Professional Development
1. The Director for Professional Development shall be elected in odd years at the Summer SNEAPPA Chapter Meeting. She/he will serve a two-year term, and can serve two consecutive terms in this position if elected. (Total 4 years) Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Board.
2. The Director for Professional Development shall serve as the Chapter Representative to the ERAPPA Professional Development Committee and must be an ERAPPA member in good standing.
3. The Director for Professional Development: shall collaborate with the SNEAPPA President and Board of Directors on attracting new institutions to host SNEAPPA Meetings; shall seek new, innovative, and pertinent educational programs to benefit the membership; shall assist the Vice President in planning future SNEAPPA Meeting educational programming; shall Chair the Scholarship Award Committee.
Section I – Director for Technology
1. The Director for Technology shall be elected in even years at the Summer SNEAPPA Chapter Meeting. She/he will serve a two-year term, and can serve two consecutive terms in this position if elected. (Total 4 years) Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Board.
2. The Director for Technology shall serve as the Chapter Representative to the ERAPPA Technology & Communications Committee and must be an ERAPPA member in good standing.
3. The Director for Technology: shall be responsible for management of all electronic communication; shall update and maintain the SNEAPPA website.
Section J – Director for Member Engagement
1. The Director for Member Engagement shall be elected in odd years at the Summer SNEAPPA Chapter Meeting. She/he will serve a two-year term, and can serve two consecutive terms in this position if elected. (Total 4 years) Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Board.
2. The Director for Member Engagement shall serve as the Chapter Representative to the ERAPPA Member & Community Engagement Committee and must be an ERAPPA member in good standing.
3. The Director for Member Engagement: shall work with the State Directors to maintain and monitor the membership lists for institutional members and business partners; shall recommend new business partners to the Board of Directors for consideration; shall help solicit new institutional members; shall serve on the Scholarship Award Committee.
The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of four times annually and shall meet at such other times as the President may require. Written notice of special meetings will be given at least ten days in advance and will include the time and location of the meeting. Directors may participate in a meeting by means of a conference call or any similar communication methods through which all person participating the meeting can hear each other.
The voting members of the Board of the Directors shall consist of the President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, (3) State Directors, (3) At Large Directors, Director for Professional Development, Director for Technology, and Director for Member Engagement. The Board of Directors shall conduct the business of the Chapter, select meeting sites, approve programs, and carry out directives required by the membership. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum. The act of the majority present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board, unless these bylaws or law requires a greater vote. Directors may participate in meetings by conference call or by any other means in which all members may hear one another.
One of the three required meetings shall be held in the month of June. This meeting shall be designated as “The Business Meeting” and the first order of business shall be the election of officers and the last order of business shall be the induction of the newly elected officers. The meeting shall be conducted by the outgoing president until the completion of the program. The outgoing shall then call the newly elected officers and directors to the front, present them to the Chapter, and induct them into office.
Section A – Nominations
1. At least 90 days prior to the June meeting the Past President shall inform the membership that nominations for officers and directors are in order. Nominations shall be forwarded to the Past President no later than the first of May.
2. The Board of Directors at the Board of Directors meeting prior to the Annual Chapter Business meeting shall constitute itself as a nominating committee. It shall select a slate of officers, considering nominations from the membership. The slate, plus nominations forwarded to the Past President, shall be presented to the membership at the June meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor if accompanied by the nominee’s consent.
Section B – Voting
1. When nominations are closed, the vote shall be taken by paper ballot. The Past President shall conduct the election and appoint persons of his/her choosing to oversee the voting and count the votes. The Secretary shall record the results of the vote which shall be cast by the spokesperson for each institution. The nominee with the majority of votes cast for each office shall be considered to be elected.
2. If no candidate has a majority, or the vote is a tie, a new vote shall be taken considering only the top two candidates for that office.
3. If a tie vote cannot be resolved after two additional ballots, the new Board of Directors less the unresolved office, shall meet immediately following the Chapter meeting and, by secret ballot, elect an office.
Section C – Eligibility
1. No more than three Officers may be from the same institution.
2. When a vacancy occurs in any office on the Board of Directors or on any committee, the President may, subject to the concurrence of the Board, appoint a successor for the remainder of the term. Under these circumstances the provisions of Article VI, Section C, paragraph 1 above shall become void.
3. Any member appointed to complete a term of another member, may be elected to a regular term to that office as though he or she had not served.
1. There are no permanent standing committees at present.
2. The President shall designate such ad hoc committees as may be required. Upon presenting a final report such committees automatically cease to exist. The committee life extends from one administration to the next. The President appoints the members and designates the Chairman.
Article VII – AWARDS
The Board of Directors may from time to time select individuals who have performed outstanding services, duty, or assistance to the Chapter. Such individual need not be a member of the Chapter or of APPA. The Board shall determine whether the value of such services, duty or assistance is sufficient to merit the recognition. If it is so determined, the President shall present such recognition at the next regular meeting of the Chapter. The award shall be made in the name of the Southern New England Chapter.
1. The Scholarship Award Committee shall be chaired by the Director for Professional Development, and consist of the Secretary, the Director for Member Engagement, and the three State Directors.
1. Amendments to the Constitution or the by-laws may be proposed by the Board of directors, or any member of the Chapter. Members shall forward proposals to the Secretary who shall present them to the Board.
2. Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be forwarded to the member institutions and shall follow the provisions of Article VII of The Constitution.
3. Proposed amendments to the by-laws must be presented to the membership in writing and delivered via email at least 30 days prior to that Annual Business Meeting. At the Business Meeting it shall be discussed and brought to a vote. An amendment to the bylaws may be adopted by a simple majority vote of the members present.